Friday, September 24, 2010

Tortilla Chips

I love tortilla chips. I love them with cheese, with salsa, or just by themselves. I do not love the salt that comes on them though. So I learned to make my own. All you need is some tortillas. Cut them in eight equal pieces. Ok, mine aren't really that equal but it makes 8 pieces. I use a pizza cutter for ease though scissors would work too if you have a kitchen dedicated pair. Put some parchment paper on a baking sheet. place the tortilla pieces in a single layer. Spray with some cooking spray. I use olive oil spray. I love that stuff. I sprinkle just a little bit of salt on them. Then bake at 325 for about 7 mins or until slightly brown. Babysit these until you know how long it will take in your oven. They go from fantastic to burnt is just a minute.

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